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Professional Supervision.

For Occupational Therapists looking to build confidence and skill working with parents and families.

Feel confident working with parents and families.


For Occupational Therapists working with children and young adults, being able to form good working relationships with parents is key to successful outcomes.

I hear from many OT's however who feel like their training has left them underprepared for working with the dynamics of families and often feel unsure or overwhelmed about working with parents and other family supports. 

I am passionate about family work and offer online group and individual supervision for Occupational Therapists who are committed to increasing confidence and skill working with parents and families.

Drawing on advanced level supervision training as well as more than 20 years clinical experience working with parents and families in mental health and community settings, I use both reflective and strengths based approaches to supporting skill development.

To enquire about supervision simply email [email protected]





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