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Get your glimmer on.

Jul 06, 2023
Nature is my happy place and I’ve been getting my glimmers on this week!
If you are new to ‘glimmers’ it is a term borrowed from the work of Deb Dana who helped bring Stephen Porges polyvagal theory into practice. Glimmers describe micro moments of joy, peace or ease that help soothe and nourish the nervous system.
In a  world that can sometimes feel chaotic and overwhelming, glimmers offer a sense of relief and calm and can help ground us in the present moment even in the midst of challenges.
Because we are all different, what is a glimmer for you might be different to what is a glimmer for someone else.
If you’re not sure what your glimmers might be or how to find them, gentle encouragement to tune in to your sensory systems - Maybe it’s noticing the colour of the sky, or the smell of a coffee brewing, the feeling of your pet’s fur, the sound of bird song, the taste of your favourite dessert.
Glimmers can be found in so many of our everyday spaces and places and seeking them out can help weave micro moments of magic and wonder into our day and support overall wellbeing.
What are some of your glimmers?