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Create Vitality Blog


Demands are often bigger than we realise. Mar 26, 2024

I was chatting to folks in the Parent Relief Hub yesterday about how quick people can be to blame and shame themselves (or how quick others might be to blame and shame) when it feels like they are not making progress.

If you have an experience like that too, offering a gentle reminder that this likel...

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Accommodating Sensory Processing Differences is a NEED Feb 28, 2024

I've had quite a few conversations recently with neurodivergent parents who have been giving themselves a hard time for finding it difficult to 'push through' certain sensory experiences and feeling guilty about making adjustments.

If you relate to this, offering a gentle reminder:

Our sensory exp...

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You are always authentically you. Sep 01, 2023

I've noticed in conversations recently, autistic, ADHD or otherwise neurodivergent adults giving themselves a hard time about masking and demanding of themselves to be 'more authentic'.

For example, maybe you can relate to finding it hard to give yourself permission to accommodate your sensory need...

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Get your glimmer on. Jul 06, 2023
Nature is my happy place and I’ve been getting my glimmers on this week!
If you are new to ‘glimmers’ it is a term borrowed from the work of Deb Dana who helped bring Stephen Porges polyvagal theory into practice. Glimmers describe micro moments of joy, peace or ease that help soothe and n
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The Importance of Sensory Wellbeing Jun 16, 2023

Our sensory systems allow us to experience and understand the world around us.

They are magnificent and complex.

Just like our personalities our sensory preferences can vary greatly.

Our sensory experiences can have a big impact on health and wellbeing and sensory wellbeing plays a vital role in ...

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The power of everyday spaces, places and activities for wellbeing Jun 09, 2023
There are many things that I love about being an Occupational Therapist. One of my favourite aspects is the rich understanding and respect for the power of the environment and its impact on health and wellbeing.
I LOVE geeking out on the environment and thinking about how to use the po
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Stop shaming parents with rhetoric about calm. May 01, 2023
There is a post that frequently does the rounds on social media. You’ve probably read it a billion times (almost). It’s the one post that sends me into a quiet rage every time I see it:
“When little people are overwhelmed by big emotions, it’s our job to share our calm, not join their chao
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